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Best of Memphis Studio Wrestling 7

3.60 Ounces
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Product Description

Volume 7 continues with those entertaining Saturday morning matches and angles from the TV Studio. 1. Jerry Lawler & Bill Dundee win the World Heavyweight Titles. 2. Sato & Goto vs. Jamison & Johnson. 3. Fire & Flame vs. A Mystery Team. 4. Joe Leduc challenges Lawler to arm wrestle. 5. Landel/Dundee vs. Lawler/Mantel in a Texas Tornado Death Match. 6. Austin Idol vs. Tony Falk. 7. Lawler/Bigelow vs. Rough & Ready. 8. Hart/Donavan vs. Lawler/Dundee. 9. Freebirds vs. Lawler/Dundee! 108 minutes. Comes with Case & Artwork.

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