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Natalie Wood: Cat on a Hot Tin Roof 1976

3.60 Ounces
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Product Description

Natalie Wood, Robert Wagner, Maureen Stapleton, 
Laurence Olivier, Mary Peach, Jack Hedley. This TV adaptation of 
Tennessee Williams' prize-winning play stars Robert Wagner as 
Brick, a college sports champion who hasn't made it in the real 
world, and Natalie Wood as Brick's wife Maggie, the sexually 
frustrated "cat" of the title. Brick and Maggie are staying at the 
home of Brick's wealthy parents, Big Daddy and Big Mama, as are 
Brick's successful brother Gooper and Gooper's eternally pregnant 
wife Mae. Big Daddy (Laurence Olivier) has been seriously ill, thus 
his offspring are concerned over the size of their inheritance. It 
has been hinted that Big Daddy will leave his fortune to Brick 
provided Maggie produces a child, but the marriage has been plagued 
by Brick's refusal to sleep with his wife, and by a dark secret in 
Brick's past life that has brought about impotence and alcoholism. 
The reason for Brick's insecurity is his past friendship with 
school buddy Skipper, a homosexual who'd committed suicide. Brick 
believes that Big Daddy is convinced that Brick and Skipper "had 
sodomy together", and Gooper delights in taunting Brick over this. 
Big Mama learns that Big Daddy has inoperable cancer, and 
determines to keep the truth from her husband. She also knows that 
Brick is Big Daddy's favorite son, thus rejects Gooper's 
cold-blooded attempts to set up a trusteeship for Big Daddy's 
estate. In the final scene, Maggie lies to Big Daddy that she is 
pregnant, and Big Daddy (unaware of his imminent doom) chooses to 
believe her. Brick will get the estate, and Maggie will hopefully 
convince her husband to makes theirs a "real" marriage. A 
made-for-TV production, the 1976 Cat on a Hot Tin Roof is more 
sexually explicit than the censor-ridden 1958 Hollywood version. 
RARE! In perfect, pristine condition. Comes with Case. 

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  1. Excellent Version of Powerful Play 5 Star Review

    Posted by on Sep 11th 2024

    This is a really good performance of one of Tennessee William's greatest plays. It is a hidden gem with a stellar cast. The sound and picture quality are first rate. Any fan of theater or good acting will love it!

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